Thursday, June 25, 2009

When Good Strategies Go Bad

So, now with the fact established that a good strategy will work even if it is executed poorly, it begs the question Why execute it poorly? If a good strategy will work with weak execution, let's add to that flawless execution. Or at least SOME execution. This is where the best plans fail.

I have met many business owners, managers and sales reps for that matter that KNEW the right things to do. They had a great core strategy, but were not executing it at all. Why? Because the path of least resistance is to do what is easiest. Usually, the right strategy isn't easiest becuse if it was.....everyone would be doing it.

International consultant Don Beveridge, writes, "From my 30 years of experience, I've found that most people DO have a working knowledge of the information you think they require. The problem is not deficiency of knowledge or "D.K." but rather "D.E." deficiency of execution."

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." Goethe

What is it that you know you should be doing in your career or your business to make you better that you don't currently do? What is that strategy that is there and available to you that you can put into play today?

If you are wondering, yes, this does apply to YOU.

If you really want to suceed, you must put your strategies to work. If you need help asking the tough questions, send me an email. I would be glad to help.

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