Wednesday, June 10, 2009

STOP Demographic Profiling!

Roy H. Williams, The Wizard of Ads, writes, "I have never seen a business fail by reaching the wrong people, but I have seen thousands fail by saying the wrong thing."
Every day, I have the same conversations with advertisers. "This is my target audience." "I want this customer in the store." "This is the demographic I am trying to reach." My answer is always the same, "Why, don't you just want to sell your product or service?"

The customer looks at me like I am from Mars and says, "Well, yeah." I usually say that we should put demographic profiling aside and discuss what we are going to say to these people and tackle who we reach later. Besides, you do have an equal opportunity business, right? You will sell your product or service to pretty much anyone that has the money. Stop trying to pick who they are and let them decide. Put an end to demographic profiling! It all starts with you.

I then find out about friendly service, knowledgeable staff, great selection, good customer service and on and on. Or, better yet they say, "Just work somethin' up. Now let's talk about who I want to reach again." (If your ads say any of the above, I am positive you are not happy with your advertising return on investment.)

I can't stress enough the importance of getting to WHY CUSTOMERS WOULD DO BUSINESS WITH YOU. Specifically, what differentiates you from your competition. How do we communicate it to persuade someone to come to you. If you get this right, who you reach is virtually irrelevant. Decisions are not made in a vacuum. The people you do reach know the people you do not. They talk. If this intrigues you, doesn't make sense or you want to know more, email me and we can chat.

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