Monday, June 29, 2009

Check Your Intensity

Remembering what good looks like.

I started a training regimen about 8 months ago. To date, I have lost about 50 pounds of weight and 80 pounds of fat. I work out daily. Lifting weights or cardio. I watch what I eat. I thought I was working out hard. Until today.

I had a work out session with Rudy Reyes. Former Recon Marine, Kung Fu champion, Personal Trainer. You will hear more about Rudy in the upcoming months. But for today, Rudy got me inspired to begin my fitness journey with a single session 8 months ago. I hadn't seen him since. He was in town and asked me to work out this morning. I couldn't wait for him to see the progress I had made.

I thought I was training hard. Until this morning. Working out with Rudy, I remembered what intensity was like. It was great. I was sore before I left the gym, but it was great. I am recharged to up my intensity level. I have been working hard, but I can do better. If I am going to spend the time in the gym, why not maximize the results?

Much like your daily life. If you are spending 10 hours a day at work, why not step it up a notch and make it count? Can you do it a little better. A little more intensity. You are there. Why not do it better? If you are in sales, make that one more presentation. If you have a retail business, greet the customer with just a little more enthusiasm. Encourage a co-worker. Kick it up a notch.

I have attached a link to part of the workout. It's worth watching the whole thing! Then try it!

Don't let yourself get stuck in a rut. What area of your life and or career can YOU kick up the intensity? Post here or shoot me an email if this inspires you to do something a little better.

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