Wednesday, September 2, 2009

More On Motivation

Why Do You Get Up Each Morning?

As I have discussed previously, we all have days when we just don't want to answer the bell. We don't want to face the day. But, most of us have no choice. We just gotta do it.

I want to give you a little something to help fight through those times. Get a post it note, a piece of paper or anything that you can write on. Go ahead, I'll wait..............

Got it? Ok, now I want you to write down the first thing that comes to mind when I ask the following question. Ready? What is the number one reason that you get out of bed and go to work every day? Write it down. What is the second reason? The third? Write them down.

Silly? Maybe. Effective? Definitely. Make a copy and post on your mirror at home. Put one in your pocket, on your desk. I have a post it note from my kids on my computer that says, "You are and amazing dad." It has a cute little sticker on it. Until this moment, I was the only one that knew what it meant. I have a card from my wife in my top left desk drawer. These things bring a smile to my face during tough days. As a matter of fact, I had to draw on that power just yesterday. Heck, when I travel,. I carry a little stuffed animal in my suitcase. My youngest put it there two years ago. I send her pictures of it from the hotel. Any idea by now why I get out of bed?

Only you knows what motivates you to keep going and to get better every day. Use it when you just don't feel like doing what you know you should to reach your goals. It really helps. As motivational speaker Keith Harrell says, " Have a super fantastic day." (see more on Keith at

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