Friday, July 24, 2009

Road To The Customer - Checkpoint #6

After The Sale Strategy

Well, you did it. You navigated the hazards and road blocks and made the sale. The customers is gone and the money is in the bank. No time to rest now. Begin making the next sale. No, not the next customer.....the one that just left. That is your best next prospect for a couple of reasons. First, this customer knows other people and will be your best form of advertising. Positive word of mouth. Second, this customer will buy again. Make sure someone doesn't steal them.

I have said and written on many occasions that the only way to grow your business is to get new business or sell more to your existing customers. You can get both if you use these after the sale strategies. Most of your competition does not.

SAY THANK YOU - Sounds silly, but how many times have you purchased something and the clerk says, "Here you go." and you say' "Thank You." to the clerk that YOU just made a purchase from. Shouldn't the seller be the one saying thank you? Customers want to know that their hard earned money they spend with you is at least appreciated.

FOLLOW UP - To see if the customer is satisfied. Make a call the next day or the next week to see if everything is as it should be. Are they happy with their purchase? Say thank you again. This is a great time to insure positive word of mouth. You can correct any challenges or problems at this time.

ASK FOR REFERRAL - If your customer is happy, ask if there is anyone in their sphere of influence that cold also use your product or service. Maybe make them an offer for their next purchase if someone buys from you that they refer. Partner with a restaurant and offer gift cards for every referral that buys. Satisfied customers will be more than happy to give you names. If you ask.

HAND WRITTEN NOTES AND EMAIL - So simple, yet virtually no one does it. It makes us feel special to get that note of thanks. Remember, marketing is any touch with your customers and good marketing is getting to them more often. Making customers feel even better about having done business with you.
SCHEDULED LONG TERM FOLLOW UP - Every three months or so, check in again. You never know when their moment of need may be. Are they still satisfied? Any new referrals?

DO SOMETHING EXTRA - What can you do for each customer that they didn't expect? We just had a new air conditioning unit installed and got a large tray of assorted choclates delivered to the office as a thank you from the heating and air company. Pretty small investment for them, but everyone in the building was surprised and talked about it.

It's a long and winding road to get a customer. Make sure that you keep them.

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