Monday, November 2, 2009

Proud To Sell

When I was a kid, my granddad had a little sign in his office the stated, "Selling is like shaving, if you don't do it every day, you're a bum."

I used to think that was a very odd sign. I never really quite got it. You see, my granddad was a debit insurance salesman. He went door to door each week and collected premiums from the less affluent part of St. Louis. He was mugged three times, but kept at it until he retired.

While the sign is still a little corny, I have to say that I do get it now. No matter what you do in business or life for that matter, you are selling. Whether it be products or yourself, you are selling. You sell at work. You sell in relationships. Selling is nothing more than persuading someone to partner with you by providing them with something that they feel they want or need.

Too many people in business are offended or ashamed to be called a salesperson. Why? If you do it correctly, you are making people happy by providing something that they need or want. There are those that manipulate people and lie that give us all a bad reputation (remember Eve and the apple? Eve got sold a bill of goods!), but that can be overcome by working side by side with the customer and helping them get what they REALLY want!

Be proud to be a part of what is REALLY the world's oldest profession. Selling. Now, who have you helped TODAY?

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